Who should win league MVP?


I have some thoughts about the league. Just observations and random ideas and issues that come sailing in my brain. I welcome challenges and agreements and anything else people want to throw out there so come on and let me know what you think.

 I think the best defensive player in the league this year is DeMarcus Ware from the Cowboys. He is relentless and skilled. He plays like a man possessed and he is the best pass rushing linebacker since Lawrence Taylor. When I think of a Hall of Famer it is guys like Ware that come to my mind and that is coming from a guy who doesn’t really tend to like Cowboys all that much. Honorable mentions go to Ed Reed , Barrett Ruud and Joey Porter.

 When I think of people who really make me excited on the offensive side of the ball I have to admit I have a lot of favorites but few who I feel right now I would say are truly the MVP. The choice could be very obvious (Matt Ryan) or could be out of left field (Matt Cassell) or someone in between.

  I think either really makes sense when you look at guys who put their respective teams on their backs and make them winners. Matt Ryan is a perfect example of that kind of leadership and I think he has shown more poise than any other rookie since Peyton Manning

 Matt Cassell is someone I am high on because he was given the unenviable task of replacing the NFL’s golden boy in week one.  When Brady went down in the first quarter of week one the league was flipped on it’s ear. The Patriots went from the evil empire to a unknown quantity literally in moments. They could have become the Minnesota Vikings or Jacksonville Jaguars any other nameless squad that could go 13-3 or 3-13. Cassell took the Patriots and played well enough to a potential playoff contender and in a very tough division in the AFC East.

  Peyton Manning:has got to be the best QB I personally have ever seen. He is so precise he never seems to make a bad throw and he does something that makes me shake my head in amazement, he makes being an NFL QB seem easy. When the Colts started out this season sluggishly I said what a lot of people said…. Finally! It has seemed to be just a bunch of players and pretenders the last seven or eight years in the NFL with New England and Indy always seeming to find a way to win more games and more than their share of championships. But this season Manning had real adversity, something he hasn’t had since his rookie year in ’98. Manning made me respect a team that I have never once liked and I say he is a serious contender because he made his team play better than they really should have been,  

  Adrian Peterson: Has to be considered right?, I mean he has lead the NFL in rushing almost from day one and he is almost 200 yards ahead of Michael Turner in total rushing yards. I say emphatically NO! He is not the MVP because as good as he is, and he is good ladies and gentlemen he is not an MVP player this year because unlike the others listed above he doesn’t make the Vikings win. He fumbles way too much for an elite back and he is terribly inconsistant but when he plays well against a defense he can handle he runs all over the place stacking his numbers because he is literally his teams offense. So team MVP… no question, but league MVP, sorry not this year.

These are only a few candidates so tell me what you think…………….

                                                                                                    The Dirty Bird