With the recent news that Atlanta Falcons’ kicker Matt Bryant may or not play this week has fans questioning whether or not his career is running out after the signing of Shayne Graham.
It’s hard to believe that Bryant who has been outstanding ever since joining the Falcons may be done after this season. Atlanta has a long history of having great NFL field goal kickers and Bryant may just be the best one they have ever had.
Bryant has played in 95 games for the Atlanta Falcons and has made 162 field goals in that span. Morton Anderson leads the Falcons’ franchise with 184 made kicks but has a worse percentage of made field goals. Bryant leads the franchise with an astounding 87 percent made rate while Anderson has an 82 percent rate.
Byrant also leads the Falcons’ franchise in made kicks over 50 yards with 18 while Anderson has 16. Another eye-popping statistic is that Bryant has never missed an extra point while with the Falcons. He is a perfect 248 of 248.
There is no question that Bryant will be missed once his days in Atlanta are over. None of us will ever forgot Bryant’s game-winning field goal against the Seattle Seahawks in the 2012 playoffs to send the Falcons to the NFC Championship at the Georgia dome. That will go down as one of the biggest kicks in franchise history without a doubt.
If you’re like me you just got chills all over your body after watching that video.
While the days of money Matt may be over, his career will live on in the hearts of all Falcons fans forever. Kickers like Bryant don’t come all that often. Let’s hope that Bryant still has a little left in the tank before he hangs his 9-inch right cleat up for the last time.
You will never be forgotten money Matt.