The Atlanta Falcons lost another heart-beaker, this one in the form of a 33-30 defeat at the hands of the San Diego Chargers.
Falcons fans, I wouldn’t blame you at all if you were very nervous about the rest of this season: I sure am. The birds blew a 17-point late first half lead in a game which had a very collapse-like feel to it. Hopefully this defeat is just a speed-bump, and nothing more.
Things looked so promising too, as Atlanta scored 27 points in the first half and just kept throwing hay-makers at the dazed Chargers. Alas a victory wasn’t to be, despite a great performance from Julio Jones. The offense scored just 3 second half points, while San Diego made the comeback.
Here is the week 6 Falcons fantasy review, and outlook heading into week 7.
(Note: This is based on NFL.com standard scoring)