The Atlanta Falcons will beat the Green Bay Packers and win the NFC Championship Game. There’s three reasons to justify such high confidence before tomorrow.
Atlanta Falcons fans should feel very confident heading into tomorrow’s NFC Championship Game. There’s much to respect about the Green Bay Packers, but they aren’t the same powerhouse from previous seasons. The Packers’ journey to Atlanta is quite the story, but that journey effectively ends on Sunday.
The Falcons wouldn’t have the playoffs any other way. I remember suggesting that the road to Houston would have to be through Seattle and Green Bay. Few in the mainstream have taken the Falcons seriously, but surely knocking off the Seahawks and Packers in the playoffs would change that. I’m personally tired of Atlanta being so disrespected by the mass media. I’m also sick of the smug cheese-heads and their use of past seasons as a 2016 measuring stick.
The Atlanta Falcons will beat the Green Bay Packers (again) on Sunday. Call it “overconfident” but I’ve studied both teams enough this season to see the Falcons as a match-up nightmare. I don’t think the Packers wanted any part of Atlanta in the playoffs. Nothing short of the Falcons contradicting everything they’ve done over the course of this season will see them fail tomorrow.
You’ll be equally “overconfident” about tomorrow after checking out the following reasons why the Falcons will win.