The Falcons went 11-5 in the 2004 season. They eventually lost to the Eagles in the NFC Championship, Vick’s sole trip there. But let’s back up to their last win of the regular season that year.
It was against the Carolina Panthers, at home, Saturday night football. The Falcons have a knack for beating Carolina during end of the season matchups. Back in ‘04 the Panthers brought a five game winning streak to the A.
The Falcons were down 31-24, and it was 4th and goal from the 12, with about 90 seconds left in the game.
That’s when the magic happened, Vick drop backed, pocket collapsed, he scrambled straight up the middle, avoided a defender and dove from the four yard line. Knee, thigh, elbow, nothing touched the grown.
It was like he flew in.
The Falcons went on to win in overtime and Vick accounted for three touchdowns that night. Against Julius Peppers and a division rival, number seven led the team to a victory few players, let alone quarterbacks, could’ve hoped.
It was the quintessential moment of what made him so special on a nightly basis. In the most odd circumstances, the man just found a way to seemingly make the impossible happen.