Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank is talking again, saying much of the same that he said heading into the 2019 off-season.
Earlier Wednesday, the Falcons CEO joined local Atlanta radio show Dukes & Bell and said that he has no number in mind for wins but expects the team to be in the playoffs.
The problem with this is Blank said the same things a year ago. He had high expectations for the 2019 version of the Atlanta Falcons and that if things went sour that jobs were on the line. When things went south, jobs remained and Falcons fans are left wondering what in the world is going on.
"Blank went on to say that he decided not to make changes because “Adjustments were made, later than I would have liked to see. But they were made.”"
Arthur Blank told @929TheGame there isn't a number he has in mind for a win total for Dan Quinn in 2020. He expects the Falcons to be in the playoffs in 2020. "I fully expect or team to be competitive."
— Knox Bardeen (@knoxbardeen) January 29, 2020
Three of the five seasons under Dan Quinn have ended with the team missing the playoffs. Conversely, Mike Smith missed the playoffs three times in his seven years and was shown the door after his third time missing the playoffs.
The interesting question becomes, what exactly is Arthur Blank’s breaking point for mediocrity? The fans are well past that point but Blank seems to be content with wasting the remaining prime years of Matt Ryan and Julio Jones instead holding people accountable to do their jobs so that the Falcons are in position to make a run for a Super Bowl before the best two players in franchise hung it up for good.
The 2020 season will not only be a make it or break it year for Dan Quinn and Thomas Dimitroff but also Arthur Blank. Not from the standpoint of selling the team, but rather from the point of losing the fans completely.
The Atlanta Falcons have more than $34 million in lost revenue from fans no longer making their PSL payments while more and more seats are empty at an alarming rate. If Blank allows this charade to continue too long, Mercedes Benz will be emptier than a beer can in Athens on a college football Saturday.