The Atlanta Falcons dream team starting offense

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The Atlanta Falcons have had the fortune of having plenty of great offensive lineman throughout the years, with many going on to have very successful careers. Unfortunately, there are only five slots available on the starting line-up.

The two starting tackle positions will go to Mike Kenn and Bob Whitfield, while the two guard positions will go to Bill Fralic and Justin Blalock. Finally, at the center, is Jeff Van Note.

This is one hell of an offensive line that any defensive line would have trouble getting through. These are some of the most dominant blockers in the team’s history.

These men had great careers as Atlanta Falcons and they were some of the best that the league had to offer. All of them left their mark on the organization that still remains to this day, which is why they deserve their starting positions.

This extremely talented offense would be able to beat anyone and would go on to win several Super Bowls and set many offensive records the likes that nobody has ever seen.
