This is the stretch where the Falcons need to string multiple wins together
It is no secret that the Atlanta Falcons have to play one of the most challenging schedules in the entire league.
They play both of the Super Bowl representatives from last season and numerous other teams who made the playoffs. The first eight weeks are brutal as half of those games are against teams who made it to the playoffs.
Check out the first two articles that go over the predictions for the first eight weeks of the Falcons’ schedule:
Read: Predicting the Atlanta Falcons’ season: Weeks 1 through 4.
Read: Predicting the Atlanta Falcons’ season: Weeks 5 through 8.
If there is an easy stretch in the Falcons schedule, then weeks 9 through 12 is it. Over the first eight weeks, the Falcons lost ground and fell a couple games below .500, if that ends up happening then they need to use this stretch to make it back to the even mark at the very least.
The first game in this stretch is really the only one that you can excuse the Falcons for losing because it is not a good matchup for this team.
The three weeks following that are the games they need to take advantage of, but will they? That is the big question.
Here are the Falcons’ week 9 through 12 predictions: