Google Trends: 2022’s most popular searches of “Atlanta Falcons” & more
Looking at 2022 Google Trends that relate to the Atlanta Falcons
Every year Google, the popular search engine, releases a “Year in Search” that details the most popular searches across a wide variety of subjects like actors, people, athletes, movies, etc… (if you are wondering what athlete spiked the most this past year, it was Antonio Brown, somehow. As if he wasn’t in the news enough over the previous years). You can also type in other subjects, like the “Atlanta Falcons.”
And that is exactly what we are going to do in this article. We will highlight some of the most interesting things when it comes to where and when the Falcons were searched the most, what the most popular related topics and queries were, plus more.
It was definitely a crazy year for this team as they went from trading their best quarterback in franchise history, to “being the worst team”, to “overachieving”, to being on the wrong end of some suspect officiating, and so on…
Hopefully, this upcoming year will be more stable, and by that, I mean, winning more consistently en route to the playoffs. With that, let’s switch back over and focus on what we do know from 2022.