4 Pittsburgh Steelers Atlanta should fear most in Sunday's debut

Pittsburgh Steelers v Baltimore Ravens
Pittsburgh Steelers v Baltimore Ravens / Patrick Smith/GettyImages
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4. Arthur Smith

A lot of Atlanta Falcons fans might laugh at this suggestion and rightly so. The idea of fearing Arthur Smith after his last three years in Atlanta is laughable on its face. However, bear with the reasoning for a moment if you will.

There is a reason that many coordinators have such great success and promptly flame out attempting to transition into a head coaching role. Smith's frustration with Atlanta and being fired is expected and human.

Bringing us to why Smith makes this list, Smith has had all offseason to prepare to get revenge on his former team. Consider what the OC accomplished the last time he was in this role. Turning Ryan Tannehill into a franchise quarterback and helping push the Titans into a playoff upset over Tom Brady.

Despite how ugly things were as a head coach Arthur Smith has proven himself to be a great OC who gets the most out of marginal talent. You can be certain that Atlanta is going to get his best shot. One that attempts to set the tone for an offense that no one outside Pittsburgh believes in.