6 Atlanta Falcons fans are excited to see make training camp debut

Atlanta Falcons OTA Offseason Workout
Atlanta Falcons OTA Offseason Workout / Kevin C. Cox/GettyImages
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5. Bralen Trice

The third-round rookie edge rusher is going to come into camp facing some unfair expectations. This is due to the inability of the Atlanta front office to bring in a starting pass rusher. If the season started today Lorenzo Carter and Arnold Ebiketie would be your starting edge rushers. Trice would be the primary rotational piece behind them.

It is hard to buy into a third-round rookie coming into this defensive line and having a huge impact. Historically even if Trice is a solid edge rusher it will take a season of development. Despite this, the chance for Trice to win a starting role and have an instant impact is there.

6. Troy Andersen vs. Nate Landman

Two players who had extremely low expectations coming into the league will now fight it out for a starting role. Unless the Falcons are going to move Kaden Elliss to the outside it is hard to see both players working their way into the starting lineup.

There is a lot to like about both players and their development. Seeing where each is in camp and how Atlanta handles the rotation will be telling. Atlanta has a chance to have