Atlanta Falcons vs. San Diego Chargers: Mirror images, different directions


The 2007 Atlanta Falcons sucked. Sorry folks it’s true. We got killed in a lot of games and things just did not go our way that much, what with Petrino and Vick and only 4 wins……. Whatever! But, the San Diego Chargers…. there was a different story all together, they won 14 games and lost to a New England team in the closing seconds. Ok, that is now officially ancient history.

 Atlanta now has a 7-4 record to the Chargers 4-7. My how the tables have turned. Michael Turner was signed away from the Chargers in the offseason and I will stick behind my belief that a back-up running back is more important in the NFL right now than just about any position, except back-up QB (I am looking at you Dallas!) Tomlinson is the best running back I have seen in years without question. No one has dominated the position of running back like LT has over the last few years. But I think we all know at this point he is clearly on the decline.

 The Chargers have a hell of a defense if they want to play well. I personally do not think I have seen a defense that is as inconsistent that this squad. I should know I had them as my starting fantasy D in 2007 and I was so nervous starting them I dropped them the week before Adrian Peterson torched them for what was basically a million rushing yards and 50 TDs.

I blame this decline not on defense or on LT or on a really bad group of wideouts (c’mon they are) but on the coaching. They got rid of Marty Schottenheimer for Norv Turner? I will say it again to anyone who still doesn’t know how I feel and say that coaching is so important, it is more important now than ever! This garbage in San Diego is proof positive  evidence to support my position.

Atlanta will win this game. Maybe not a blowout but I think that the better team will be pretty evident from early on. This Chargers team doesn’t seem come out prepared and don’t seem to have any motivation as of late. They have a very good QB and an offense that should be able to put up points but lack of motivation is inexcusable and should not be tolerated by any true NFL fan. So for now, I leave you all in peace and wish you all a happy Thanksgiving holiday and I say Atlanta wins 27-14 in SD.

                                                                  The Bird Speaks!