Atlanta Falcons: Dan Quinn is lifting franchise from gutters

Every year as a sports fan in the Atlanta area, hopes and dreams are shattered by the teams that carry our passions. The Braves, Hawks, and Falcons are all known to flirt with national prominence, but few times do they raise themselves above the threshold of mediocrity. As every postseason approaches, we suddenly become enamored by the latest reality TV show to ease our depression.

Though misfortunes have become the bed where we all lay our heads as sports fans in the Georgia, what the Atlanta Falcons are showing seems to be reviving the ones who have lost their hope in southern sports.

Jason Getz-USA TODAY Sports

No longer are the fans waiting for the next epic collapse. It appears that anyone can see that this is the turning of a page in franchise’s history and will serve as a landmark for the years to come.

The year the Falcons finally rose up from their doldrums of pain and suffering and seized the moment to take that giant leap forward into becoming a dynasty.

Granted, this was, and will never be, done overnight. But when the players exited the locker rooms on Friday night, they were a different team. Sure, most had the same names on the back of their jerseys, but when they came bursting through the smoke and fog, it was as if there was a call to the nation that the Falcons had finally arrived.

Never before has passion’s inferno blazed as it did that night. Every player seemed to be out there to prove something, and this year is the culmination of the team spirit being birthed within every one of them. That since of comradery will become like Gatorade to the fatigued athlete who is thirsting for a break and finding the refreshing taste soothe their aching bodies.

Falcons fans, this is a message of hope. This is the call out to the NFL that the Falcons are here, and that they are about to fly.

Young, talented players have taken their place as the conduits of this hope that we’ve been searching for. And yes, there may leave scars of the season ahead of these high flying Falcons, the bond being enforced by Dan Quinn is breathing new healing into the wounds of the past. Crippling pains that have paralyzed this franchise for years are beginning to become well again.

The aroma of hope has lit up the city of Atlanta and the state of Georgia in ways that the football universe has not seen in some time. It seems as if the comradery that is being enforced in the locker room is going much further that the confines of the Flowery Branch training facilities, but has extended from swamps of south Georgia to the peaks of the north Georgia mountains, covering every aching football fan along the way who has longed for years for some sign of change.

As we continue to inch our ways to the beginning of the football season, know that we are leaps and bounds further than where we came. And this time, the only obstacles in the way of the Falcons now are the growing pains of an organization that was gutted.

Falcons fans, this is a message of hope. This is the call out to the NFL that the Falcons are here, and that they are about to fly.

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