Why isn’t Vic Beasley making the impact that’s expected?
Remember what I stated earlier about the ability to use the speed rush effectively? When used correctly, it opens up effective counter moves as well.
Although he’s been working incessantly to improve it, Beasley lacks a go-to counter move once tackles commit to stopping the speed rush. Now we’ve seen Beasley attempt to use the patented Dwight Freeney “spin” move as an inside move to get to the QB. However, in most cases, it’s been very ineffective as the tackles aren’t necessarily respecting his speed rush.
Beasley is attempting that spin too early out of his stance and the tackles are ready for it. If He wants to perfect his spin move, he MUST be able to have the tackles truly respect that speed by completely overcommitting to the outside. At that point, once the tackles attempt the punch it will make it much easier for him to complete an inside counter move.