Atlanta Falcons: What If A Falcons Player Took A Knee?

HOUSTON, TX - FEBRUARY 05: Deji Olatoye
HOUSTON, TX - FEBRUARY 05: Deji Olatoye

If an Atlanta Falcons player took a knee during the National Anthem, how would you respond as a fan?

At around 9:00 A.M. (PST) Saturday morning, I woke up and glanced at my Twitter feed. The President of The United States had made comments regarding player protests in the NFL.

Before I go any further, I would like to note for the record that I am aware of my lane.

I am aware that I am a writer and contributor to a blog. However before I was a writer, before I was a blogger, I was an Atlanta Falcons fan and I have been for over 20 years.

When the Falcons organization hired Coach Dan Quinn in early 2015, as a fan, I was elated to see the cultural impact Quinn would have on the team. I was eager to see his approach to winning and his plan for the club’s future.

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Coach Quinn would eventually adopt the mantra “In Brotherhood“. In Brotherhood everyone is committed to doing their own parts for the greater good of one another and the brotherhood as a whole.

The players take the field on Sundays with an ultimate goal in mind. The fans stand behind them in unyielding support as our team fights to achieve that goal. Everyone has a role In Brotherhood.

After waking up to a beautiful Saturday morning here in Los Angeles, only to then learn of the President’s comments, I was reminded that there is more to the Brotherhood than playing a football game.

The President attempted to silence the voices of NFL players and although there has yet to be an Atlanta Falcons player to take a knee during the National Anthem this season, the President has attempted to preemptively silence the Atlanta Falcons players as well.

Though the Falcons fight to win on Sundays, they are also committed to fighting for something greater. Through action, the Falcons players have taught me about In Brotherhood on the field, however they have also taught me about the greater fight In Brotherhood off the field as well.

The greater fight is in Atlanta Falcons player Takkarist McKinley asking children in a hospital for THEIR autograph. The greater fight is in the Falcons honoring injured military personnel. The greater fight is in the organization creating an uplifting experience for those that have been diagnosed with cancer.

What if a Falcons player wanted to take a symbolic knee in the greater fight against social injustice? According to the President’s comments, this is a symbolic action and fight that a Falcons players should not participate in at all.

Does it bother you, as a presumed Falcons fan, that someone would want to prevent your Falcons players from fighting a greater fight, from being all that they are and can be not only on the field, but to a community and society off the field?

Should the President’s comments concern us as fans or should we only be concerned with wins and losses?

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If our only concern is winning a football game, if our only concern is about the Falcons winning so we can be happy, and if we as fans do not support our Falcons players In Brotherhood, in the greater fight both on and off the field, are we really In Brotherhood…or are we in it for ourselves?

Atlanta Falcons Owner & Chairman, Arthur Blank, responds to the President’s comments: click here
