What becomes of the Atlanta Falcons off-season?

So far in the first quarter of 2020, the sports world has been suspended and will be on hiatus. The Atlanta Falcons offseason has many upcoming continued events and activities scheduled.

Let’s hope that the Coronavirus pandemic does not bring the remainder of the Atlanta Falcons offseason as well as the rest of the NFL to a grinding halt. With what’s going on in the world today, the sports world is always an escape from reality for many fans, specifically the Atlanta Falcons offseason.

There is so much more to look forward to during the Atlanta Falcons offseason. This includes college pro days, the NFL draft, new uniform unveiling, OTAs and minicamp.

All of this now seems to be up in the air, as well as the rest of the sports world. The only silver lining (if one can look at it that way) is that the Atlanta Falcons regular season doesn’t start for another six months.

Hopefully, by that time, the coronavirus situation will have dramatically improved all over the world, and far less importantly, in our little Atlanta Falcons bubble/world. If these unprecedented times continue well into the spring and/or summer of 2020, what will become of team minicamps and OTAs?

These are all unanswered questions as everything remains up in the air. Will the Falcons hold a new uniform unveiling ceremony in light of what’s transpiring? Will the Falcons players be able to travel to upcoming offseason team and/or charity events?

These are unchartered waters for the Falcons players as well as all NFL players and other pro athletes among the three other major leagues in North America.

Who knows who or what some of the Falcons players, coaches, front office staff, etc. have come into contact with recently and been exposed to from a health perspective.

It is a domino effect in the sports world. One league and/or team will follow suit in the footsteps of other teams usually.

If the Falcons decide to close off the team buildings and headquarters to players and staff members, what then happens next? Will players be able to continue their offseason workouts, for example. It has been so extraordinary what has transpired in the world of sports the past couple of days, let alone the world in general, more importantly.

Sports exist to play games. Fans attend games to escape from the real world. Football fans and Falcons fans should be thankful that this will hopefully not extend into the 2020 season.

Not that there is any good time for a pandemic to unfold obviously, but if the Falcons offseason is interrupted and delayed, then this is something fans should be able to understand, although it’s not easy to accept. In the grand scheme of things, sports needs to take a step back as this is not front and foremost in the real world.

As painful and difficult as this might be for the temporary time being hopefully, Falcons fans and all sports fans should understand the gravity of the situation and what is really at stake.
