The Atlanta Falcons released their first new uniforms in more than a decade and to no surprise, it did not go well.
The Falcons announced yesterday that they would release their uniforms on April 14th and almost immediately, leaks began appearing on both Reddit and Twitter as the Falcons made the biggest mistake possible – they did not make sure those invited left their phones elsewhere.
In the now released photoshoot pictures, Matt Ryan, Grady Jarrett, Deion Jones, and Calvin Ridley were all part of the shoot. Not saying that any of them took and released these pictures but even they should have been forced to leave their phones with someone else.
This is just another way that the Atlanta Falcons have shown that those in charge are incapable of doing the tasks that they are assigned. A professional franchise in one of the world’s largest sports should never have been bullied and forces to release their uniforms before they were ready to and they damn sure should not have been forced to do so because an employee could not wait to screw this up.
I imagine that finding out who did this would be fairly easy to identify given there were not a lot of people within the organization that was given access to the new uniforms. While calling for someone to lose their job is a bit much, there should be some level of punishment involved when you break a trust that is privileged to have.
There were many holding out hope yesterday that the leaked photos were not what the team was going to unveil because the team would not have been naïve enough to make sure that all electronics were kept elsewhere. Instead, Atlanta Falcons fans woke up Wednesday morning to find that the team had to cave in and release the uniforms early because of their ineptness.
Because of this hurried release, you will have a week to decide which jersey you like most as they will not be available to purchase until the original release date of April 14th. The good news is, there is enough of a choice that you whether you like all of them or just one of them, you can find something to add to your Falcons collection this offseason.