Best Kyle Shanahan fallout tweets from Super Bowl LIV


Welp, former Atlanta Falcons offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan did it again, this time blowing a 10 point Super Bowl lead as the head coach of the San Francisco 49ers.

As we all remember, three years ago the Atlanta Falcons blew a 28-3 lead in the Super Bowl after the team quit playing complimentary football against the Patriots. Kyle Shanahan refused to run the ball in key moments that would have melted precious clock time and allowed the Falcons to kick a field goal and win their first-ever Super Bowl.

With the 49ers up 10 with six minutes remaining Sunday night, Kyle Shanahan struck again. Serves him right after having to listen to quarterback Jimmy Garapollo tell media this week that he and Shanahan joke all the time about 28-3.

Follow that up with Shanahan telling the media that there was only one (yes, ONE) call he would have changed in that frightful night three years. Karma came back to bite him square in the ass again, this time in Miami.

As twitter has done since its glorious invention some 15 years ago, this free app provided some amazing insight into the minds of Falcons fans last night as the Chiefs win their first Super Bowl in 50 years.

This is something that real Falcons fans have been trying to tell people for three years. Matt Ryan had one of the greatest Super Bowl performances that no one will ever remember because Kyle Shanahan’s ego got in the way.

Complimentary football is how you win games and championships. The 49ers last saw the endzone last night with just over two minutes left in the third quarter. The 49ers ran 14 more plays and picked up just 49 yards on their final four drives.

If blowing double-digit leads in the biggest sports event that North America has to offer, Kyle Shanahan would be the best coach of all time and would be headed straight to Canton.

Long time Atlanta radio host Matt Chernoff spent a lot of time last night on twitter letting all of his followers know just what he thought of Kyle Shanahan and blowing another lead. There is no doubt that most of Atlanta was feeling like this last night as the Niners imploded for millions of people to see.

Even Atlanta Falcons players who were not yet part of the franchise got in on the fun last night. As we all know Takk is from the Bay Area, Oakland to be specific. Chances are he grew up a Raiders fan, so seeing the (former) cross-bay rival blow a Super Bowl more than likely had a special meaning to the Falcons defensive end.

This was something that many people have skipped right over, the end of the first half. Shanahan had three timeouts and the Niners had just stopped the Chiefs and forced a punt. Instead of calling a timeout to preserve more time, Shanahan elected to run the clock and get the ball back with 90 seconds left.

Jimmy G had a lot of success throwing in the first and even on that final drive, but terrible clock management and a bad offensive pass interference call kept the Niners off the board.

The NFL being a passing league might be the biggest myth in all of professional sports. Yes, quarterbacks and teams throw for more yards now than ever before, but your offense has to be able to run the ball to keep players like Patrick Mahomes on the sidelines and the Niners failed miserably at that last night.

This was another brutal loss for Shanahan and one that he will not get over any time soon. Sure, he claimed to have gotten over the Falcons Super Bowl collapse in a day, but there is no chance he gets over his second such collapse in the same time period.

Next. Falcons have a history of luring division rivals. dark

The good news for Falcons fans is Kyle Shanahan has completely taken the attention away from 28-3 with this collapse and we should all be a little grateful to him this morning.